Product Updates: Dashboards, Salesforce and AWS S3

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We’re always upgrading our product with new features and enhancements. Here are a few NEW FEATURES that you can use right now:

Filter Dashboards by User Group

You can now filter your dashboards by user group for a clearer view of data sets for each of your teams. To do this, just use the new User Groups drop-down menu at the top of the My Dashboard page.
Learn more about dashboard filtering.

Send Various Media Types to an AWS S3 Bucket

Our Amazon Web Service (AWS) S3 integration lets you send your form submission data to a custom S3 bucket.

Before, you were limited to sending only JSON data without any media files to your S3 bucket.

Now, you can send a variety of file types (JSON, Word, PDF) and attached media files to your S3 bucket.
Learn more about our AWS S3 integration.

Our Salesforce Integration is Now Available Outside of the U.S.

If you’re a FastField customer outside of the U.S., you are now able to integrate with Salesforce!

This now lets all of our customers seamlessly connect their FastField data with Salesforce to take advantage of their CRM tools and services.

Learn more about setting up integrations with FastField.To see all of our latest upgrades and bug fixes, check out our release notes.
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